Eleven-year-old Jai’dah Hood, a piano student at Rainey Institute, received a “Superior” rating at the National Federation of Music Clubs Festival held at Cleveland State University on March 19, 2022. She memorized and performed third-level solos, “Stealth Mode” by Melody Bober, and “American Folk Dance” by William Gillock. Two professional judges provided comments and awarded her the well-earned “Superior” rating.

The NFMC is a national organization devoted to fostering musical talent and creating dynamic musical environments in the community. Congratulations on a job very well done, Jai’dah!

Zandra Richardson is very pleased with Jai'dah's performance
Zandra Richardson and Jai'Dah Hood next to the piano

Eleven-year-old Jai’dah Hood, a piano student at Rainey Institute pictured here with her teacher, Zandra Richardson.

Here’s Jai’dah Hood performing William Gillock’s “American Folk Dance.”